
Pop Up Cards

Letters to sleep-away camp

What a cool idea (of course from Pinterest!) to make your own pop-up card!!! My attempts thus far look childish, but I will post them here anyway so you can check them out. The photos will go from best to worst.

This tulip card came out fair, imho… I learned how to make this adorable craft on a site called easypeasyandfun. It is pretty simple to make, but sadly I didn’t execute it all that well. With a die cutter or even a paper puncher, it would have probably come out much nicer.

Again, this whole card was made freehand…and done after long after I should’ve been asleep. I think the little pop up smile is cool, but the balloons look pretty bad. I got frustrated with the project and (obviously) didn’t spend much time on the lettering. I rate it less than “meh”

My final pop up is my worst work to date. It actually came from a site I found on Pinterest called redtedart. This is is a crafts for KIDS site, so its pretty embarrassing to admit that (despite the author’s super clear instructions), I had so much trouble getting the paper-doll like string of hearts right. After that I was so frustrated, and just slapped the rest of the project together without enough attention to detail. As you can see, I did have the heart paper punch by the time I created this. I love the open heart cuts on the front cover, but I used tacky glue for the first time and it really made the project look messy. As for the inside…well, I am not thrilled with the result at all. Oh well…some you win, some you lose.