Today is March 18, 2019*. The last day my twins (age 9) attended school was March 6. The last time we saw a show (Shen Yun) and went out to eat (Shun Lee) was March 8. Since I am 50 😳 and have not one, but TWO autoimmune diseases (Crohn’s Disease and Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis), I have been basically self-quarantining for a while now. Here are some of the things that have been keeping us busy in the early days of COVID19 with kids:
1. Using Imagination – Build a Fort

I was actually out of the house when the kids decided to create this massive fort. It was also all their idea to work on a sign together. One of my main goals for them this year is to improve their relationship with each other. Any activity where they need to work together and compromise is a teambuilding activity!
2. Exercise

I started out wearing gloves and bringing cleaning supplies up to our small building gym so I could continue my usual routine, but then the gym was ordered closed 😢. We are lucky to live one block from a huge park overlooking the Hudson River, so we began taking family walks. The kids have been biking or scooting every day while Renato and I walk Dexter.
3. Family Game Night

We started this game of Monopoly on Saturday afternoon and we played for hours. It continued last night when I landed on Alex’s well occupied Boardwalk and had to mortgage all of my property to come up with the $900 I owed him. Tonight, Renato also went belly up. The kids will continue the game tomorrow.
4. Take a Virtual Class

So many people and places are offering free classes on the web right now! You can find tours of national parks, museums and zoos. There are concerts and shows and storytimes available as well. Additionally, several well known artists including chefs, actors, dancers and writers have offered up master classes for all interested. We tried the Lunchtime Doodle with author Mo Willems and had so much fun!
5. Reach out with Snail Mail

About a week before we started our sequester, I saw a post in one of my Momma’s Facebook groups which really spoke to me. A woman, her husband and their young daughter were stuck on a cruise ship that was being held off the coast of California. This poor family was quarantined for what seemed like forever to me (I can’t begin to imagine how it seemed to THEM!). I followed their story until they were finally able to leave the boat and head to an airbase for another two weeks of quarantine. Group members tried to find ways to help. The mom mentioned that her daughter enjoys mail and finally, a hero made a secondary post providing all of the details. This was a perfect activity for us. Art that helps someone is double the goodness! So reach out and send someone a smile!
6. Enjoy and care for your pets

Dexter needed a bath and this was the perfect opportunity for Nina to spend time with her besties (me and her dog 😀). Sadly, I forgot to take a picture of the process, but above is the result.
7. Cook!

Nina got a subscription for Raddish as a holiday gift from Grandpa Alan. It’s a great company because it gives easy-to-follow instructions with pictures. Nina is able to do almost everything by herself. Here she is making blueberry crumble. It came out delicious!!!
8. MOMMY SCHOOL (Saving the best for last)

With two third graders at home for what could well be the remainder of the school year, I had to get organized…ASAP! When they stopped attending school, Nina was about to go on a two week spring break, so the only schoolwork she had was a vacation math packet. Alex’s school was not set up for distance learning yet, so he had even less! I took it upon myself to institute mandatory mommy school. So far, I have adjusted the categories several times. This is a learning curve for me, but I am getting used to it.

At the outset, I bought a third grade reading comprehension book, used Nina’s vacation math packet, instituted a daily writing journal, maintained the standard third grade edict to read for pleasure 30 minutes each day, and kept up our nightly ritual of read alouds (which began the day of their birth). As Alex’s school began distance learning, I started to integrate his work into Nina’s schedule. I will do the same when her school is again in session (March 30).

So, that’s what we have been doing during The Early Days of COVID19 With Kids. Apologies….
* I have gotten insanely busy and sadly have not had the time to blog recently, which is my excuse for posting this piece about The Early Days of COVID19 With Kids so belatedly…
This is great Laurie! It’s unfortunate your gym had to shut down. It appears you’re making the best of the situation. Be safe and take care.
Thank you Michael! 💜