
Key Biscayne, FL
Two months after our first trip, it was time to venture out again. This time to florida, my happy place.
Again, I knew that our hotel space would would have a laundry, a kitchen and two cribs. We would also have a closet to store items for our next time, so we ordered things that would stay in Florida. This time, packing was a little easier since I already had a list from which to start. Here’s what I brought:
(I know, I know…still a WAY crazy amount of stuff, but 😜. Is what it is!
- Diapers
- Wipes
- Bottle brush
- Shampoo
- Dish washing liquid
- Stain spary
- Detergent
- Aquaphor
- Lotion
- Formula
- Polyvisol / Trivisol
- Spoons
- suntan lotion
- Swimmy diapers
- tub seat
CARRY ON 1 – diaper bag
- 20 Diapers
- big box Wipes
- 10 Ziplocs for diapers
- aquaphor
- Tylenol
- change pad
- Cheerios
- 2 full bottles in insulated bag
- 4 burp cloths
- 4 bibs
- 2 Blankets
- Formula
- 2 empty bottles
- Books / toys
- 4 Bibs
- Alex’s meds
- ID cards
- 2 changes of clothes
CHECKED BAG 1 – smaller bag
- 4 Bottles
- frozen puree
- solids bibs
- 2 cups
- Beaba trays
- baby cereal
- Bijorns
CHECKED BAG 2- larger bag
- Sunglasses
- beach hats & baseball caps
- Swimsuits & cover ups
- Sheets – 2 each
- Clothes (3 outfits per day for 2-3 days)
- toys / books
- Medical Notebook
- regular bibs
- Burp cloths
- Sleep sacks – 2 each
- Bath towels
- Wash cloths
- medical kit with hair brush
- Socks
- PJs – 4 pairs each in total
- Saline
- Video monitor
- Daily log book
- Sleep toys
- 2 sweaters

Ritz Carlton Hotel
Key Biscayne, FL