In my continuing quest to make this stay-at-home summer more fun, I made a plan to go for a COVID-Era Evening in Queens. The idea began with a yearning for a certain dessert. Later, we decided on Greek for dinner. We were NOT disappointed.
Delicious Greek Food!

Instead of blind research, I asked my friend Stacy (who lived in Astoria once upon a time) for a recommendation. She suggested Maria’s Mediterranean and I am so glad she did! The food was DELICIOUS and the service was great. Thanks Stace! .

Is Maria’s COVID Cautious?
Maria’s is located one block away from a now pedestrian-only restaurant area. This is actually to their benefit, because it gives them more space to expand their outside dining capacity. Per usual, we got to the restaurant early, so we got a shady spot under the tent. As more and more customers arrived, we watched as the (masked) staff worked tirelessly to assemble new dining spaces. By the time we left, more than half the block was full of socially distanced tables!

What else can you do in A COVID Era Evening in Queens?
After our meal, we walked over to the pedestrian mall on the next block. (Click here for complete list of street closures in New York.) It was significantly more crowded there. The sweet smell of hookah smoke wafted through the air while people enjoyed their meals. Aside from the smoking lounge, there were so many choices to be had: from pho to burritos. I definitely recommend a trip to check it out!

So What Was The Dessert Plan?!
Of course, we went to Lemon Ice King of Corona for dessert. I used to go there when I was a kid, and hadn’t been in many years. The flavor chart is exactly how I remembered it! Although the shop itself seemed smaller, I am sure that was just a trick of time. Anyway, I got my “usual” (vanilla chocolate chip) and Nina got her fave, piña y coco. The treats hit the spot, and were just as yummy as always. It was TOTALLY worth the trip!

SHOUT OUT to the 7-Eleven across the street that allowed Nina to use the rest room. Thank you!

We had a great COVID-Era Evening in Queens! If you enjoyed this review, check out some of our other COVID-Cautious adventures:
Also, please join, post and share my new FB page: I Still Love New York!