I don’t know why, but sometimes I find it a little difficult to blog about things I have done many times and LOVE. I wanted to write something about my most recent theater experience, but I struggled with what to say. I decided that for this post I would do an interview…so here it is, folks: Hamilton according to Nina (my 9-year-old daughter).
How many times have you seen Hamilton?
Nina: 4
Why do you want to go again?
Nina: Because it’s really fun and the music is good. Mainly, I love the music and the costumes; I like the long puffy dresses the best.
What is Hamilton about?
Nina: It’s about Alexander Hamilton and the war…the war that I can’t remember the name of…and how he and Eliza got married and their lives…and that period of time.
Honestly, I like the first act more than the second. I don’t like the second act because of the fact that its sad. The whole thing is sad really…for Alexander Hamilton. There’s a few exciting songs (in the second act), but not really.
What are the highlights of the story?
Nina: Hamilton gets married, he fights the war, he cheats, his son dies, he moves uptown, he dies.
What’s your favorite song?
Nina: I like the first song in the album, “Alexander Hamilton” because it’s like, the longest one. There’s a lot of talking, and it has very good the harmony… I like that.
What is the worst song?
Nina: It’s a song in the first act where this guy is like saying stuff, and Alexander Hamilton keeps interrupting him (“Farmer Refuted”)…that’s the worst song in the show. It’s annoying to listen to two people speaking over each other unless it’s me or you or Alex (Nina’s twin brother)…I’m nice to listen to.
Who is your favorite character?
Nina: Angelica Schuyler because she’s pretty and she’s smart….I was her for Halloween last year!

(PS – She MADE this costume!!!)
What do you think of the king character?
Nina: He’s really funny because…he just is. The audience laughs like crazy when he makes a joke!
Do you like Eliza?
Nina: She’s pretty and smart, but eh…I dunno
What’s the best part of the show?
Nina: When they sang the song “Satisfied”. I love that song and the dancing is very pretty to watch.
What’s the worst part of the show?
Nina: At the end when Alexander Hamilton gets shot. It’s scary because of the sound of the gun.
At what age do you think a child should see this show?
Nina: The youngest would probably be 8
But you saw it when you were 7…
Nina: Yeah, I know but you told me about sex before then… 😳
HUH?! What does that have to do with it?
Nina: Well, if you tell me about THAT, then you should show me THIS, even though it’s scary! You told me about stuff that other moms wouldn’t tell other kids until they’re a certain age.
So you think you’re more mature than other kids?
Nina: NO! I’m just saying that you show me a lot of things before other people. I mean…other moms (I think, I’m not a mom) would say that you shouldn’t see this until you’re 8. I saw it at 7, but, you told me a lot of things earlier than other people do.
What should other kids know before they see Hamilton?
It’s a good show…but you might not like the ending because (Hamilton) gets shot and it’s scary and sad.