Well, today we decided to try another COVID-Cautious activity with the kids. If you are one of those people who only enjoys positivity, you can just stop reading now. Please continue to read only if you value honesty…just keepin’ it real yo! Here is my Jurassic Quest Drive Thru Review.
Getting In

Jurassic Quest is a traveling show for which you can purchase tickets online. Click here to see when this adventure will be coming to your neck of the woods. (PS – We bought the tickets the night before and there were PLENTY of time slots available.)
When we arrived at our venue, the MetLife Stadium in New Jersey, we were greeted by no one. There were neither signs nor employees to help guide us to the correct area. After a while, we happened upon a mob of cars forming two super long lines to begin a super slow crawl. I wonder (not for the first time during the COVID era): What really is the purpose of a timed-entry-ticket if you have to wait so long to get in?! We cued almost an hour before we arrived at the first exhibit.
How were the dinosaurs?

It was nothing like I expected. First, I thought it would be kind of like when we went to the Magic of Lights Festival at The Daytona International Speedway last year. That display was super cool because the exhibits were under the grandstand and we got to see into the race track. Not so with Jurassic Quest. The dinosaurs are in the parking lot…you aren’t allowed into the stadium at all. There is no atmosphere or ambiance, just a series of traffic cones to follow from one group of animated dinosaurs to the next. The animatronics are cool, but really its like an extremely low budget Disney knock-off. There is a Radio program to accompany your adventure. Although kinda hokey, it was educational and occasionally interesting. The roaring sound effects didn’t do much to increase the excitement of our journey.

Why the hold ups?

It took many minutes to get between displays and we were all supremely bored. The only things that saved our sanity were good tunes and Halloween candy. It took us about an hour to get through the 30 minute radio track. Some of the hold up came from the souvenir stand at the end. There was also a required stop near the port-a-potties to have someone photograph you in the car (but we only got one take and the photographer gave no warning to get ready, so the kids didn’t even know it was time). There was no way to escape the line of cars to skip out early…serious design flaw!

Final Thoughts?
I think very young kids or dinosaur enthusiasts may enjoy visiting this exhibit, but we found it lame and underwhelming. So, as my Jurassic Quest Drive Thru Review comes to an end, I leave you with the following quotes:
- Renato: “it was painful”
- Alex: “it was tiring”
- Nina: “it took too long” and the dinosaurs looked “junky”
Thanks for reading my blog! For other COVID Cautious adventures with kids, please check out
- The Statue of Liberty with Kids
- Brooklyn Dinner and a Movie
- Six Flags Drive Thru Safari
- Live Entertainment at Radial Park, Queens
- Staten Island Drive In and dinner
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