Hi there! So, rather impulsively, I decided to create a blog. I have no idea what I am doing and I have already lost this page once, but here I go again…this time, I am going to try to be careful about saving it all as I go. 😀
I am a sentimental pack rat, a memory keeper, a collector and a saver. I have been writing and making lists forever and a day. I thought that a blog might be the way to gather everything all in once spot, so I am giving it a try.
I’m not quite certain yet what this blog will be in the end, but I guess I envision a little of all aspects of my life. First of all my family: My husband, Renato, and I have twins, Nina and Alex, who are almost 9 (I can’t believe it!). We also have an 11 year old dog named Dexter. We live in Manhattan, New York, primarily because I was born and raised here and I can’t seem to leave.
At this point in my life, I guess I consider myself a stay-at-home mom, but I am a Speech-Language Pathologist by profession. I have had a private practice since 2001, and I work exclusively with children in their homes. I love what I do; it is a very rewarding occupation.
In my spare time, I busy myself in many projects. I usually have a book or two that I am reading and a binge series or two that I’m watching. I love music and musical theater…I used to sing, but that was long ago. I also love visual art, and I’m pretty into crafting lately. My most recent projects have been for Nina, who is going to sleep away camp for the first time at the end of June. I think completing all of those projects was what really prompted me to start this blog.
Some other things I love that will probably be a part of this blog are: traveling and documenting my journeys in pictures, lists and words; organizing my stuff; sugar; decorating my home; cooking… I am sure there’s more, but that’s all I can think of for now. Anyway, this is already a super long post and it’s getting late, so it’s time to sign off and walk the dog. Goodbye for now.